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Its on...the invites are out!

The invites are out and hopefully you have yours! It's a pleasure to invite our close friends and family to share our big day. Please return the RSVP slips when you can. Auntie Maria has already set the bar quite high and returned hers!

Around the meal, its really important you let us know of any special dietary requirements or allergies etc etc. We know theres vegetarians in the family and we'll try to cater for everyone the best we can.

At the back of the invites, we included a section around accommodation. Unfortunately the venue has limited rooms and we've had to allocate them best we could. Plenty of nearby hotels and you'll get a decent price if you book now.

We can't wait for our guests to share our special day. We hope your looking forward to it as much as us...........but we highly doubt that! Please take a look around our website and we'll keep you posted with all the wedding developments!

All the best.

Love Sarah & Lee


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