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Showing posts from 2012

Meeting The Reverend

So this weekend we met 'Reverend Phillip Need' to see if we can marry at St Mary's Church. Quite a big deal, he's the decision maker here! The meeting went well and he seemed quite a pleasant bloke. Provisional booking is confirmed and our service will be at 1:30pm. As expected, we need to start showing our face at church on Sundays. This isn't too bad and he said once a month would be sufficient. Absolutely no problem with this arrangement. We both went to church when we were younger, it's no big deal. We will need to fine tune the details of our service at some point, hymns, readings, organist etc etc. We also need to get in touch with our local church in 'Black Notley' so our bands can be read. This is a traditional church procedure where our pending marriage is announced at the church, in case there any local objection. Bit like planning permission!

Picking the wedding breakfast

So this weekend our a 'wedding pack' arrived from Fennes. The next big decision is picking the food selection for some 87 guests. This isn't a simple task. We have multiple choices and categories for starters, mains and dessert. We are proud carnivores so the vegetarians will have to put up with our meat selections and eat their greens. Chicken Caesar salad looks like a good choice of starter and with a roast turkey main course. The problem will be dessert. Who knows what to pick here? Cheesecake? Profiteroles?